X-Pact has several missionary partners in India. We present the ministry accounts of two of our partners – Brother Satish and Brother Manasseh.

Brother Satish

Ps Satish’s church planting work takes place in the housing estates and village areas in North India. There were breakthroughs and heart-warming testimonies which include one that showed how the Lord had used a ‘Castaway’ to open a new frontier for Ps Satish to share the gospel and establish a church in a remote village. Every year, special programs such as Christmas celebrations are held, and these provide avenues for people to come and hear the wonderful gospel of Yeshu Massih. Other outreach initiatives by Ps Satish and his team include a tailoring centre for housewives and provision of free tuition services to the poor children in the communities.

Targeting church planting work
in a remote village

Establishing a fellowship of believers

Ps Satish (right) and X-Pact’s Mission
Pastor, Ps Joshua (left) conducting baptism

Love of Christ being expressed through free tuition service to children

Reaching out to the women folks
through sewing cottage ministry

Brother Manasseh

In Southern India, Ps Manasseh is currently pioneering church planting in an unreached tribal territory where there are 42 villages situated within a mountainous region without any Christian community. The work started with an intense session of prayer which has resulted in breakthroughs after a series of visitations. In his ministry, Ps Manasseh brings practical love in various forms which include free tuition, outings and food feeding programs for the children. This has paved the way for the establishment of Sunday school services in several places. He and his team also conduct vocational bible school and festive programs in different areas in the region.

Children ministry have been
established in several villages

Reaching out to a tribal family

Rented huts being used as ministry
places in the tribal village areas

Food feeding ministry – Ps Manasseh (left) and his family as ‘chefs’

Children being prayed for in a
tuition outreach program

Food feeding ministry – a delighted sister sharing the packed food with her brother

More than one hundred children are blessed by the Food Feeding program.

The first time children leave their tribal area to attend a children fellowship.

Ps Manasseh enjoying the food and fellowship with the children.

Every year, X-Pact’s Mission Pastor, Ps Joshua (left) visits the church planting work and supports Ps Manasseh in his ministry.