X-Pact has two missionary partners in Myanmar – Brother Samuel Tin and Brother Chaun Row

Brother Samuel Tin

Being from the largely Christianised Chin tribe, Ps Samuel obeyed the call of God to move out of his comfort zone to reach out to the primarily unreached mainstream Burmese people. This meant uprooting himself from his mountainous hometown to Yangon, and to learn Burmese in order to be effective in this new calling. Appreciating the importance of being equipped, Ps Samuel came to study in the Singapore Bible College and graduated in May 2016. Not wavering from his given vision, he faithfully returned to Myanmar to focus primarily on church planting in unreached districts (townships) in various areas within Yangon. He works with a team of several other church planters. Like him, they are all of tribal descent who step out in obedience to cross ethnic boundaries to reach out to the mainstream Burmese people.

Since his return to Myanmar, Ps Samuel has started a new church planting ministry in an outskirt region in North Dagon Township. He called it “Acts Church” to embrace the vision of a church that is filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and is mission-minded.

The Acts church celebrating their first baptismal service – seven believers declared that stand for the Lord in baptism.

Ps Samuel has also targeted several unreached village districts to pioneer church planting work. In this slum village, Ps Samuel has established a small community of believers. He visits the fellowship regularly to minister to the believers and build the church foundation.

A co-worker ministering to the children in the church.

This is another targeted unreached area in which Ps Samuel supports the pioneering church planting work of Ps Khin Mawng Htay. Here, Ps Khin was praying for an entire family – they represented the first fruits of the ministry.

Brother Chaun Row

Brother Chaun Row ministers in a village, known to many as ‘Burnt Village’. It has been so called because the entire village was demolished in a fire outbreak, but was subsequently re-built by the villagers. A small community of believers has been established, and Brother Chaun Row took up the challenge to assume the pastoral role to strengthen the newly-planted church, and to reach out to the rest of the villagers.

Burnt village is primarily a farming region located in a remote area near the border region.

The church was built by a small group of believers who wanted to glorify the Lord in their village and share the good news of Christ to their neighbours. Ps Chaun Row was one of them who played an instrumental role in this pioneering work.

Ps Chuan Row ministering to the young believers in the children Sunday worship service – building the faith of the children is a priority of the church.

Home visitations and praying for the sick are also regular outreach work of the church.

X-pact mission pastor, Ps Joshua, had the privilege to participate in their baptismal service when he visited the work. 12 candidates were baptized on that day.